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Guelph Police launch Operation Noise Pollution

Will be taking calls from citizens regarding loud vehicles
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The Guelph Police Traffic Unit, not unlike other neighbouring police agencies, regularly receives complaints regarding motor vehicles with loud or modified vehicles being operated throughout the city. These vehicles can create unnecessary levels of noise and can disrupt the enjoyment of people’s homes and neighbourhoods.

The Guelph Police Traffic Unit wants you to know we hear you and that’s why we are initiating Operation Noise Pollution. Beginning Saturday, Aug. 1, 2020, Guelph Police are asking you to call us with your loud or modified vehicle complaints. Give the Traffic Unit a call at 519-824-1212 ext. 7514 and provide us with either a licence plate or an address for the offending vehicle. If you would like to provide your name and contact information, please do so or you may do so anonymously. The Guelph Police Traffic Unit will then investigate and the owner of the vehicle may be issued with a vehicle report notice which will require the vehicle to be submitted for an inspection.

On Aug. 14 and 15 the Guelph Police in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation will be conducting inspections on any vehicles identified by the community or located during our patrols to ensure they are in compliance with our laws.

As a reminder to the public, proper mufflers are mandatory. Section 75 of The Highway Traffic Act requires that every motor vehicle or motor assisted bicycle shall be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and excessive smoke, and no person shall use a muffler cut-out, straight exhaust, gutted muffler, hollywood muffler, by-pass or similar device upon a motor vehicle or motor assisted bicycle.

Unnecessary noise is also prohibited by this section and states the following:
(4) A person having the control or charge of a motor vehicle shall not sound any bell, horn or other signalling device so as to make an unreasonable noise, and a driver of any motor vehicle shall not permit any unreasonable amount of smoke to escape from the motor vehicle, nor shall the driver at any time cause the motor vehicle to make any unnecessary noise, but this subsection does not apply to a motor vehicle of a municipal fire department while proceeding to a fire or answering a fire alarm call.

Guelph Police are asking everyone to do their part in making our roads and community safe and enjoyable for all by ensuring that the vehicle you are operating is properly maintained and in compliance with legislation.
