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Match Initiatives

Match Initiative Header
L-R:  Josh Prior, GuelphToday; Isabel Buckmaster, GuelphToday ; Liz O'Donnell, GuelphToday; Carolyn McLeod-McCarthy, Managing Director at Guelph Food Bank; Santana Bellantoni, GuelphToday; Justin Gillan; Mac Sinclair, GuelphToday, Mike Johnston, CambridgeToday

GuelphToday's annual Match Initiatives bring our whole community together to support non-profit organizations making a positive difference in Guelph.

We connect our business partners and readers to 'match' donations and raise much-needed funds for local charities.

From food banks to shelters to mentorship programs, we have raised tens of thousands of dollars for a variety of worthwhile organizations through our Match programs.

Thank you to our generous business community and readers whose support for these fundraisers makes a real impact in our city.