July 9 update:
The Guelph Police Service’s administrative phone lines are coming back on line this morning after being affected by Friday’s nationwide Rogers outage.
Our regular non-emergency line, 519-824-1212, is once again able to receive calls. Please resume using this number for non-emergency reporting as well as administrative inquiries. A second line established Friday (519-829-4460) also remains operational in the event residents continue to have trouble connecting to the regular line.
Some occurrences – including thefts and damage complaints under $5,000, frauds and traffic complaints – can be reported through our website at
Please continue to use 911 for emergencies.
The Guelph Police Service appreciates the public’s patience. We will continue to provide updates as services come fully online.
Original release:
The Guelph Police Service is aware of the ongoing phone network issues disrupting service throughout the City of Guelph. We hope that the service interruption is resolved as soon as possible.
In the meantime, if you are a Rogers customer and are attempting to contact the Guelph Police Service, please consider using a landline or getting access to a cell phone with another service provider.
Please continue to call 911 for emergencies.
In order to best protect our community, please refrain from calling 911 for non-emergencies.
For non-emergencies and administrative inquiries, a new number has been established 519-829-4460.
Please also consider online reporting through
If you’re unable to use your phone due to the service interruption, please remember that you can always attend to the front desk of the Guelph Police Service station located at 15 Wyndham Street South and speak with an officer directly.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding in helping us best protect our community. And as always please never hesitate to call 911 in an emergency.