Like a previously rejected plan, a four-storey, 10-unit apartment building is once again proposed for Catholic Hill in the downtown core.
The proposal, brought forward by Michael and Maria Finoro, would see the apartment building constructed at 9 and 11 Cork St. W. A single-family home at 9 Cork St. W. was previously demolished and the same fate awaits the home at 11 Cork St. W. if the proposal goes forward.
In order for that to happen, the Finoros are seeking permission to reduce the number of required parking spaces from 10 to nine.
The city’s Committee of Adjustment (CoA) is slated to discuss the request during its May 26 meeting, which begins at 4 p.m. and will be streamed live at
The CoA rejected a similar but slightly taller four-storey building proposal for the site in 2019.
That request sought permission to exceed the height cap on buildings within the Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate view corridor by 2.49 metres.
Looking at the basilica from the northwest, the then-proposed apartment building's elevator shaft and mechanical room on top of the apartment building would exceed the allowed elevation of 343.51 metres above sea level.
The committee deemed that application to not to be minor in nature, with the approved motion noting the proposal “is not considered desirable for the streetscape and appropriate development for the lands.”
At 12.2 metres tall, the latest proposal comes slightly under the elevation cap, city staff explained of the difference between the proposals.
Anyone who wishes to submit written comments to the CoA regarding the proposal has until noon on May 19 to have their information included in an updated agenda released publicly and available to CoA members.
Those who wish to speak about the application during the hearing must register by noon on the day of the hearing.
To send comments or register as a delegate, email [email protected] or call 519-822-1260 ext. 2524.