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Free Indigenous awareness events in Guelph to commemorate new federal holiday

Film screenings, art shows and speaker events will take place in venues across Guelph next week
National Indigenous People's Day celebration at Royal City Park in June 2019. Anam Khan/GuelphToday file photo

While Sept. 30 may not be a holiday in Ontario for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, local free events in Guelph will be commemorating the event. 

The City of Guelph and the Rotary Club of Guelph have put together events from Sept. 27 to Oct. 3 called TOWARDS TRUTH. The events aim to provide the community an opportunity to learn more about residential Schools and their impact on society. 

The events will include guest speakers and film screenings in different venues around Guelph. Limited tickets are available for each event  and reservations are required in advance.  

With financial help from the city, The Rotary Club of Guelph printed 500 copies of Towards Braiding, a book that can help organizations and individuals learn more about diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives with the Indigenous community. Those who would like to request a free copy are asked to contact [email protected].

The events are:

Sept. 27- Speaker Event at the River Run at 7 p.m. 

1) Ava Hill, past Elected Chief of Six Nations Elected Council, who will talk about residential schools and their effect on Indigenous Peoples.
2) Phil Monture, President of Nativelands Ltd., who will speak about treaties and land Claims. He will also share his experience in controversial and misunderstood topics.
3) Roberta Hill and Dawn Hill, both residential School survivors will share their lived  experiences.

Register here for a free ticket.  

A livestream link for this event will be also available online closer to the date. 

Sept. 30 to Oct. 3 - Film screening at the Book Shelf Cinema

1) Doctrine of Discovery (2019) 
2) Beans - a teenager’s experience during the Oka crisis (2020)
3) The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open (2019)

Register here for film details, times and free tickets.

Guelph Museums activities:

Anishinaabe Oral Tradition with Rene Andre Meshake
Sept. 30 at 2 p.m. on the patio at Guelph Civic Museum. 

Art Installation with Tracey-Mae
Sept. 21 to Sept 23 at the Guelph Civic Museum.

Exhibition of original peoples in Guelph
Sept. 28 at Guelph Museums


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