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LETTER: Learn from the past, even if it means confronting uncomfortable facts

'Please help with healing and not encourage the destruction of the truth,' a reader writes

GuelphToday received the following letter to the editor from Bill (Patucayapun) Morrison:

The need to destroy public property should not be encouraged. But, if we wish to keep our heads in the sand and pretend that only the selected "good history" existed, we will not be able to move forward.

Unfortunately, bad history is not usually recorded or exposed by those in charge of sharing present day information or the facts of the past.

Please let us learn from the past, and if we need to reveal some uncomfortable facts, then let it be, but please help with healing and not encourage the destruction of the truth. 

I am happy and hopeful that the world is changing, for the better.

Bill (Patucayapun) Morrison