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MEET THE CANDIDATES: Ward 2, Dorothe Fair

'Ward 2 needs a tenacious city hall representative with well-established working relationships in the community and with city staff'
Dorothe Fair
Dorothe Fair.

GuelphToday asked candidates running for council in the Oct. 22 municipal election to provide a short bio and their platform and/or why they are running.

THE PERSON: Six years ago I retired from a career in education and joined the GWSA (Guelph Wellington Seniors Association) as a member of the board of directors. This began a very fulfilling 'second career', volunteering and advocating for the seniors’ issues in the community. During the past six years on the board and currently as president of the GWSA, I have held leadership positions on the following committees: advocacy, human resources (responsible for employment standards), program, executive, and special events. As president I'm accountable to more than 2,600 members and 450 volunteers and oversee a very substantial 'not for profit/charitable' budget.

Along with my current community involvement on the Age Friendly Guelph Leadership Team, which is responsible for implementing the City's Older Adult Strategy, I've gained many experiences with team building and networking at City Hall, specifically on the following issues: The Speedvale underpass, transit (specifically mobility and community busing), and affordable housing. I'm a member of the city's Downtown Advisory Committee (DAC) which has been providing strategic input on the economic, social, cultural and environmental impact as it relates to these issues and other city projects.

On a personal level I'm a member and supporter of the following organizations: Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation, Wellington Water Watchers, and Rise for Climate. I’m an avid gardener and cyclist.

THE PLATFORM: Ward 2 needs a tenacious city hall representative with well-established working relationships in the community and with city staff. I commit to being "Firm and Fair" in my role as city councillor representing not only residents in Ward 2 but also residents across the city. I have a voice for seniors and a voice for all ages.

I'm a team builder who can help direct City Council in making prudent decisions based on a fiscally responsible formula.

I respect all citizens who deserve to see their tax dollars used effectively and efficiently. I believe the greatest challenge for all councillors and the mayor is to make sense out of the dollars and cents the residents entrust to city council. I am prepared to do the homework and cast my vote as a councillor in a fiscally responsible manner.

I will work tirelessly to protect our environment for future generations which I believe should be everyone's commitment.

My specific initiatives:

City Building for All Ages
I will continue to enhance our City's designation from the World Health Organization that Guelph is an 'age friendly' place to live. Currently I'm on a City/GWSA committee providing input on the design, programming, parking and transit supports needed for the new proposed South End Community Centre.

Increasing our Environmental Quality of Life
I'm very proud to be a Guelphite. The residents of Guelph are passionate about environmental concerns such as our green spaces and reducing waste. I will work diligently to ensure the City of Guelph bylaws and policies reflect the addition of new parks, a tree replacement plan for trees removed for development, trails and safe cycling paths and routes throughout the city. I believe in promoting environmental stewardship.

Supporting Business Prosperity Where It Matters
I intend to continue to advocate strongly for Hanlon Park to be a council priority to secure additional tenants which will increase our industrial tax base and also provide residents of Guelph with job opportunities. The timing is ideal since there is a Transit Services business service review currently underway. I'll encourage Guelph Transit to study closely bus and work schedules and engage the employers in a discussion to synchronize wait times with the shift changes and add routes to attract and accommodate employees.

Fiscally Prudent City Building
A number of city building projects are currently being proposed. My commitment to all city residents as a councillor is to continue to work closely with city staff and colleagues on council to ensure all 'business cases' continue to be carefully assessed by staff with sound recommendations and are reflective of the results from the feasibility study on the proposed project. Council must have all the facts, benefits and consequences from staff to make wise and judicious decisions. This working relationship with city staff must continue to be based on a collaborative decision-making model that first and foremost addresses the needs of all Guelph citizens and their quality of life.


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