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Elora's Badley Bridge still expected to be finished this year

The new Badley Bridge construction is on schedule despite pandemic measures
Elora's historic Badley Bridge was removed in January 2020. The new bridge is expected to open by the end of the year. Keegan Kozolanka/GuelphToday file photo

ELORA – Downtown Elora’s Metcalfe Street bridge is still on schedule despite any COVID-19 impacts.

County engineer Don Kudo provided an update on the project during a special County of Wellington remote meeting on March 31. 

In a report to council, Kudo said the new bridge contractor has a COVID-19 plan in place which includes measures to assist staff.

He continued to say that production may be affected by certain measures but is still on schedule to open in November 2020. 

Centre Wellington Mayor Kelly Linton had heard this same thing from Kudo but said with the COVID-19 pandemic the situation could change in the future. 

Construction on the iconic Badley Bridge started last fall and its removal early this year. Elora BIA chair Jonathan Laurencic said they were sad to see the Badley Street Bridge go.

“We believed that the bridge had become a visual representation of the history of our town,” he said. “In addition to the natural beauty and amazing shops, the allure of Elora is very much tied to the built aesthetic of our downtown.”

However, Laurencic said the BIA was pleased with how the local government worked with stakeholders and artists to enhance the new bridge’s visual appeal.

Other features of the new bridge include wider traffic lanes and sidewalks, two new bike lanes, an expanded observation deck, enhanced lighting, limestone gateway piers and a new historic plaque. 

Laurencic explained that small businesses across Ontario and in Elora are fighting for their existence. Any further adversity such as a delayed bridge opening would make the sting much more painful.

“Although I am confident that tourists and locals will still visit our downtown, a delayed bridge opening will undoubtedly impact the flow of visitors through the town,” Laurencic said. “When the COVID-19 restrictions on business are lifted we want people to know that we are open for business.” 

Keegan Kozolanka

About the Author: Keegan Kozolanka

Keegan Kozolanka is a general assignment reporter for EloraFergusToday, covering Wellington County. Keegan has been working with Village Media for more than four years and helped launch EloraFergusToday in 2021.
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