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Some area school buses cancelled today

Division 2, 3, and 4 buses will not be operating today
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Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services have announced this morning that school buses in divisions 2, 3, and 4 are cancelled today. 

Division 2: Centre Wellington,Town of Erin,Town of Rockwood

All school taxis and buses in Centre Wellington, The Town of Erin and the Town of Rockwood will not be operating today.

Division 3: North Wellington

All school taxis and buses in North Wellington will not be operating today.

Division 4: Dufferin County and Robert F. Hall 

All school taxis and buses in Dufferin County as well as to Robert F. Hall Secondary School will not be operating today.

Division 1 school vehicles are operating normally. 

For full details on bus cancellations and school closures, please visit the Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services website here


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