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Osprey WebCam now live

Between April and September, this live webcam is above a nest near the entrance to Belwood Lake Park near Fergus



The Belwood Lake Osprey WebCam is now live.

Between April and September, this live webcam is above a nest near the entrance to Belwood Lake Park near Fergus. It captivated viewers in 2015 when it operated for the first time.

The adult birds tended to their young under the watchful eye of viewers far and near. Within 24 hours of a Facebook posting that told people about the webcam, 19,000 people had been reached. Collectively, viewers spent 3.7 million minutes tuned in with up to 150 people watching at a time.

Adult birds were back at this nest in early April and the Grand River Conservation Authority purchased a new camera for this project. Watching is a way for people to connect with nature and learn about birds.

This camera operates 24/7, although the broadcast signal may be disrupted from time to time due to technical difficulties. The camera setup allows people to review nest activities over the previous four hours.

However, be forewarned — this unfiltered look into nature is not always easy to watch.

Ospreys and their young face many dangers, including harsh weather, predators, food shortage, disease, pollution and the challenges of learning to fly.

The GRCA has developed an intervention policy, and based on consultation with osprey researchers, it is our policy to not intervene in the nest. The complete GRCA intervention policy is posted on the osprey webpage.

The birds will not be named by the GRCA this year, although we recognize that some viewers who tune in regularly may come up with their own names.

Ospreys eat only fish, which they break into small pieces and feed to their young until the birds are skilled enough to feed themselves.

The Grand River provided very well for these birds last year. There are several osprey nests at Belwood Lake.

It is hoped that the webcam will inspire people to get out and explore nature and learn more about birds.

This can be done by joining a local naturalists club or by participating in bird monitoring activities such as the Great Backyard Bird Count or the Christmas Bird Count.

Check to find the link to the webcam video.

If you do visit Belwood Lake and spot the nest, please keep your distance and do not disturb the birds.

Donors can contribute to this program through the Grand River Conservation Foundation at:



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