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In Your Neighbourhood: St. George's Park (15 Photos)

Among the city's oldest neighbourhood, St. George's Park has a definite upper crust character

This gallery begins a series of occasional In Your Neighhourhood galleries, each one exploring the character of the city’s many neighbourhoods – the older ones, like St. George’s Park, and the newer ones, like Westminster Woods. Each has a unique look and identity.

One of the oldest, and most upper crust neighbourhoods in Guelph, St. George’s Park features streets lined with splendid homes, perched on the highest point of land in the city.

From a certain vantage point on the hill, and directly west across the downtown, the iconic Basilica of Our Lady stands on a second high-point of land.

The hill up Grange Street has long been favoured as the place to live for the city’s elite, and that shows in the many mansions up there, some well over a century old, other’s with a newer sheen.

Peaceful, relatively calm on the traffic side, and as quaint as neighbhourhood’s get in the city, it features a sprawling park at the heart of it, and monster maples along its walkways. It is a beautiful place for a morning stroll, if you can manage the steep climb.  

These photographs were take during a hour-long walk through the neighbourhood on a sunny Thursday morning.



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