With an eye on improving safety and accessibility, city officials are planning to install new traffic and bicycle signals this year, as well as new all-way stops and pedestrian crossovers.
Here’s what’s planned for 2023, as presented in a post on the city’s website:
Traffic signals
- Scottsdale Drive at Ironwood Road to replace an existing pedestrian signal
- Victoria Road North at Royal Recreation Trail (Speed River) where a new mid-block pedestrian signal will be installed, including bicycle signals
- Victoria Road South at Florence Lane will be temporarily signalized as part of Phase 3 of the York Road improvements project. The signal will be removed at the completion of this phase of the project.
Bicycle signals
- Victoria Road North at Royal Recreation Trail (Speed River) as part of the mid-block pedestrian signal
- Wellington Street East at Neeve Street on the south leg
- Speedvale Avenue East/West at Woolwich Street as part of a roadway reconstruction project
- Speedvale Avenue West at Imperial Road North as part of the multi-use path project
All-way stops
- Kortright Road East at Sweeney Drive
- Zaduk Place at Sweeney Drive
- Balmoral Drive at Inverness Drive
- Imperial Road North at Massey Road
Pedestrian crossovers
- Downey Road at Pheasant Run Drive
- Paisley Street at Glasgow Street North
In addition, the city is planning to replace three existing traffic signals – Wellington Street East at Neeve Street, Speedvale Avenue East/West at Woolwich Street, and York Road at Stevenson Street South – this year.
Traffic-calming measures such as speed cushions, curb extensions and traffic islands will be implemented or re-installed along several sections of road. They are:
- Kortright Road East between Gordon Street and Sweeney Drive
- Scottsdale Drive between College Avenue West and Janefield Avenue
- Rickson Avenue within the school zone for Rickson Ridge Public School
- Waverly Drive between Riverview Drive and Balmoral Drive
- Riverview Drive between Waverly Drive and Speedvale Avenue East
- Starwood Drive between Watson Parkway North and Eastview Road
- Ptarmigan Drive within the school zone for Kortright Hills Public School.