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Puslinch council supports community safe zone for Aberfoyle

Council agreed that curbing speeding and aggressive driving fits into a larger plan to make the area more pedestrian-friendly
Councillor John Sepulis wants this section of Brock Road to become a community safety zone to curb speeding problems in Aberfoyle. Keegan Kozolanka/GuelphToday file photo

PUSLINCH – Puslinch council has unanimously agreed to advocate for a section of Brock Road in Aberfoyle to be declared a community safety zone should they be approved at the county level. 

A community safety zone is a declared area of doubled fines for speeding and aggressive driving. 

The County of Wellington is considering establishing them across the region with a report expected in January.

As it stands there is no formal criteria for which areas of the county can be declared as a community safety zone.

Councillor John Sepulis’s motion to advocate to the county for a community safety zone was discussed at Wednesday’s council meeting. 

The request is for a community safety zone on Brock Road between Wellington Road 34 and Gilmore Road. 

He said it’s important to be assertive in making the county aware of traffic issues in Puslinch, particularly this stretch that connects Guelph and Aberfoyle.

He mentioned that when he drives this stretch at the 50 km/h speed limit, he notices that drivers speed around him.

“I think it’s very prudent on our part to make them aware of the concerns in our township in respect to Brock Road,” Sepulis said.

“Traffic wise, it’s gotta be one of the busiest road sections of the county, if not the busiest.”

He noted that the township has spent money on making Aberfoyle more pedestrian-friendly with sidewalks and lighting. 

“If this speeding continues, all that’s been done is for naught,” Sepulis said. “We have to move forward and up the ante and get increased visibility.”

Sepulis said that based on legislation, designating a community safety zones will allow towns to request electronic speed enforcement cameras, also known as photo radar, in the same stretch.

Mayor James Seeley noted that even if the county implements community safety zones, there is no guarantee the county will approve the electronic speed enforcement cameras.

Council was in complete support of this motion and echoed the idea that any further improvements for pedestrians in Aberfoyle fits into a larger plan. 

“It’s starting to feel a little more like a nice walking space, so that would be wonderful,” said councillor Sara Bailey. 

“It’s part of a bigger plan as well, this is consistent with a vision for Aberfoyle,” said councillor Matthew Bulmer. 

“The intention is for this area to become a destination and a destination where people feel it is safe to cross the road.”

Council unanimously approved the motion. 

Keegan Kozolanka

About the Author: Keegan Kozolanka

Keegan Kozolanka is a general assignment reporter for CambridgeToday. Keegan has been working with Village Media for more than five years and his stories have appeared on sites across the company's network.
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