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How much did county councillors make in 2024?

The total salaries for 16 county councillors just exceeded $854,000 in 2024
20210222 County of Wellington KA
County of Wellington administration offices. Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday

WELLINGTON COUNTY — Salaries, benefits, and expenses for 16 Wellington County councillors totalled approximately $1.2 million in 2024.

According to a new report, 15 of 16 county councillors received approximately $47,098 in 2024 while former Warden Andy Lennox made $147,521. This doesn't include expenses or benefits. 

The total salaries were just over $854,000; $1,251,885 with salaries and expenses. 

Wellington County council is made up of seven mayors and nine councillors with one of these people internally elected as warden. Mayors are also paid a salary by the township where they serve.

Most councillors received between $14,000 to $15,000 in benefits while Lennox saw approximately $31,713. 

Councillor Diane Ballantyne incurred the most expenses at $22,816 with the report noting $4,745 was incurred due to her appointment to the AMO Board of Directors. 

Civilian members of three advisory boards are not paid a salary but are given a per diem and have expenses paid for. 

The total paid to the four accessibility board members was $2,133. 

Four members of the library board were paid $8,720. 

The three civilian members of the police services board were paid $2,992.