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Member since: May, 2018

Retired Education Administration after 38+ years. REALTOR® since 2008; RE investor since 1973. Now Broker with eXp Realty Brokerage®; Muskoka Vacation Property Rental Owner: Muskoka Birch; p/t Ont Ed Consultant. Author. I am Willen2Sell and Willen2Buy!

1 Classified 6 Comments 6 Endorsements

Recent Comments

LAW, Nicholas William

LAW, Nicholas William

Obituaries |

Willen commented

This is indeed tragic when a young person passes on too soon. My sincerest condolences to the Law and Gemin families. (from a friend and former WCDSB colleague in Education of the Gemin's).

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Locals think housing affordability is worsening: poll

Locals think housing affordability is worsening: poll

Local News |

Willen replied

To add some clarity, this was a survey of Guelph residents, not the GDAR; hence, this is not what GDAR is "promoting" but what the residents responded to in the Nanos survey.

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Public survey shows 12 full-time councillors is preferred choice

Public survey shows 12 full-time councillors is preferred choice

Local News |

Willen commented

It does matter what we think - but the Council has to make that decision since the report did not. If we don't think it does matter, then we are making a decision to allow things to happen without concern or complaint. Let's show up and "be counted" in on the decision, many of which can be adjusted, compromised, morphed, reversed; i.e. changed. I hope more than 650 respond in our community.

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'100 trips around the sun' but the party will have to wait for Abbey Densmore

'100 trips around the sun' but the party will have to wait for Abbey Densmore

Local News |

Willen commented

Note: There are 2 Abbey Densmores. Happy birthday, Abbey 1. Thank you for your contributions to Catholic Education in Wellington County.

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City to investigate the elimination of single-use plastic bags

City to investigate the elimination of single-use plastic bags

Local News |

Willen commented

Although a process for a motion should be respected, let's find the least resistant route to ban such items and save time = save tax dollars on such a decision. Give notice to the Province and the Federal level as well. Ban not just plastic bags but also plastic straws, cutlery, dishes, and containers in our food distribution and shopping sites. That includes plastic bags in laundry cleaning centres and furniture sites. Help Mother Earth's water, land, and air that we all borrow so that such "gifts" last for generations to come.

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Should Ontario have reverted back to the 1998 sex education curriculum?

Poll |

Willen commented

It should be progressive but should also allow faith-based education to integrate the values and sanctity of life from conception to natural death. Instruction of facts must always include morals, values, beliefs, and mores of a society and culture, but also allow growth and interpretation and teachings of a family or church as long as it is not harmful or hurtful to the student recipients. The Roman Catholic School Boards have this Constitutional right to do so, but other faiths should also have this right if deemed appropriate (i.e. harmful cults or groups claiming to be a legal and contributing organization that benefits its members, esp youth). If not permitted to have such positive, mind-expanding integration involving faith and the spiritual realm, then the Private Schools will determine the integration of added value-based and religious-based materials to the modified curriculum provided by the Ontario Min of Education.

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