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Two impaired charges laid on Tuesday afternoon

One driver was passed out in the driver's seat with the car running

Two men face impaired driving charges following separate incidents Tuesday afternoon.

Approximately 2:30 p.m. police were notified of a possible impaired driver near Gordon Street and Wellington Street. A witness had observed a man drinking a bottle of alcohol in a park, then getting in his car and driving away. He was driving erratically and almost hit the complainant’s car.

Officers located the driver at home a few minutes later and could smell alcohol on his breath. After failing a roadside breath test he was arrested and transported to the police station, where further tests confirmed he had more than the legal amount of alcohol in his system.

A 71-year-old Guelph man is charged with impaired driving.

Just before 5 p.m. police were dispatched to a business in the south end for reports of a man sleeping in a car which was blocking the driveway. Officers arrived and found the man still asleep, with the car running and the transmission in the Drive position. They awoke the man, who was confused and slurring his speech and had dilated pupils.

An officer opened the door to turn off the vehicle and observed a pipe in the driver’s door handle. The man was arrested and transported to the police station, where a trained expert concluded his ability to drive was impaired by drugs.

A 37-year-old Cambridge man is charged with impaired driving. When he was released from custody the man was angry and punched the side mirror off a vehicle parked outside the police station. He was re-arrested for mischief under $5,000.

Both men had their licences suspended for 90 days and their vehicles impounded for seven days.