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Seniors to rally for climate action next month

Seniors in Guelph and over 60 communities nationwide are uniting net month to bring attention to the climate crisis on Oct. 1
20210420 Guelph City Hall RV
Richard Vivian/GuelphToday file photo

Seniors from more than 60 communities across Canada, including Guelph, are set to unite next month on National Seniors Day and International Day of Older Persons to bring attention to the climate crisis. 

On Tuesday, Oct. 1, seniors and the general public in Guelph and nearby areas are invited to meet at St. George’s Square or the covered bridge near Royal City Park at 2:30 p.m. 

The groups will walk from there, converging at city hall for a rally organized by Seniors for Climate. 

The rally will start at 3:15 p.m. and  include speakers, local singer songwriter James Gordon, the Raging Grannies. Posters and signs with climate messages and concerns are encouraged. Ways to take action will be shared. 

It’s part of a global trend of elders “advocating for urgent climate action to secure a livable future for the next generations,” a press release states. “The initiative aims to mobilize the political, economic, and social power of seniors in Canada. At one in four Canadians, seniors account for a significant portion of Canada’s demographics.”

Seniors for Climate consists of six climate organizations all led by seniors, including the Suzuki Elders, Climate Action for Lifelong Learners, Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet, Climate Legacy, For Our Grandchildren and Seniors for Climate Action Now (SCAN).

"At this stage in our life we have the time and resources to advocate for serious climate action, so we are stepping up,” said John Lawson, one of the founders of the Guelph chapter.

"Our young people have taken the lead on the climate emergency; we owe it to them to support them but we also need to act on our own concerns," said SCAN member Gina Lammel. "And one of mine is that Guelph’s community greenhouse gas emissions have increased by eight per cent”.

“Later is too late,” their motto reads. 

For more information about the event, visit or email [email protected].


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Taylor Pace

About the Author: Taylor Pace

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