Skip to content ranks Guelph second on list of 35 top Canadian cities

Guelph ranks high in categories of low violent crime, environmental engagement and employment
20210916 Guelph sign on Gordon facing north
Guelph city sign on Gordon Street.

Guelph was ranked second in a list of the 35 best metropolitan Canadian cities to live in.

The list was made by Rentola, a paid aggregator website connecting landlords and tenants.

The factors contributing to a city’s ranking are; housing, environment, equality, income, education, crime, health and labour.

Number one on the list is Ottawa, Ontario. Below Guelph in third is Victoria, B.C., then Québec City and in fifth is Calgary.

Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo is ranked 22 out of 35.

The index is represented by a number value between one and 10, one being the lowest and worst value and 10 being the highest, and best value.

Guelph was 8.73 out of 10 when it came to crime and is based on the number of homicides and annual victims of violence per 100,000 population.

In terms of labour and unemployment rate, Guelph is 8.37 out of 10. The city scored 8.15 out of 10 for the per cent of the population who engages with wildlife and environment protection.

The lowest score was 2.65 out of 10 for the price of monthly rent in Guelph.

The data collected was processed by Statistics Canada.


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