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New Guelph seniors group SCANning for climate crisis solutions

Local seniors team up to tackle climate change concerns

A new seniors group in Guelph is taking aim at the ongoing climate emergency.

Seniors for Climate Action Now! Guelph – or SCAN! Guelph – formed in April, and is a new chapter of a larger organization.

The group is in its early stages, with about a dozen members, and is aiming to grow much larger.

“I can’t imagine not having a group here,” said John Lawson, a communications representative for SCAN! Guelph.

“Other cities have these groups, and we really need to pony up and say seniors can offer particular things that others can’t. They often have a bit more time that we can devote to this. Sometimes we have more resources as well where we can pony up some of those resources.”

He said the group has a big concern over what is happening with the climate emergency, especially for their kids and grandkids.

He said pressure needs to be put on the government, the private sector and individuals to make changes.

“(The issue is viewed) not as urgent as it needs to be,” Lawson said.

The Guelph chapter is one of many across Ontario, including Barrie, Kingston, Ottawa and Toronto.

The group is highlighting the current heat wave hitting this end of the province, more particularly the community’s response. 

In a letter, the group said it wants to work with the city and community partners to improve the response to heat waves.

Suggestions include better publicizing cooling centre locations, and the bus routes leading to them, adding more sites, linking drivers to customers to take them to cooling centres and encouraging check ins on neighbours.

The group will host a meeting next Wednesday, June 26 at 2 p.m. at Shelldale Centre, and welcomes seniors interested in joining the group.


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Mark Pare

About the Author: Mark Pare

Originally from Timmins, ON, Mark is a longtime journalist and broadcaster, who has worked in several Ontario markets.
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