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Local seniors have the opportunity to participate in new projects (2 photos)

The New Horizons for Seniors Program promotes positive aging by supporting seniors’ volunteerism and encouraging seniors to play an active role in their communities

Seniors make significant and valuable contributions to their families, communities and society. The Government of Canada remains committed to empowering seniors across Canada so they can contribute to and share in the prosperity of the country.

Guelph seniors who are looking for the opportunity to benefit their community are now working to raise awareness of elder abuse, to reduce social isolation of their peers, promote community volunteerism between youth and seniors and support mental and physical fitness of seniors. 

Seniors in Guelph will also receive financial support to renovate facilities to allow better access, announced MP Lloyd Longfield, Member of Parliament for Guelph, on behalf of the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.

The New Horizons for Seniors Program promotes positive aging by supporting seniors’ volunteerism and encouraging seniors to play an active role in their communities. This innovative program enhances seniors’ social well-being and enables them to maintain social ties and share their knowledge, skills and experience with others.

Chabad of Guelph is receiving $25,000 for their project Fearless Elders, Guelph Wellington Seniors Association is receiving $12,512 for their projects Going Canoeing and Computer Club Learning, Lakeside HOPE House is receiving $20,000 to renovate to allow for better access for seniors, Creative Intergenerational Communication is receiving $20,354 for their project Park ‘n Dance and Guelph Community Health Centre is receiving $8,667 for their Project Food program all of which are funded through the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP).

The projects will help many seniors in Guelph to engage with the community and remain active vital contributors.


“The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that all Canadians have a real and fair chance to succeed. We support a wide array of New Horizons for Seniors Program projects that bring seniors together in innovative ways to help build communities that are strong and vibrant. These grassroots projects are community-driven and promote social interaction, positive aging and seniors’ well-being. They reach out to seniors and encourage them to pursue active lifestyles, expand their social network and play a leading role in activities that inspire goodwill, sharing and fellowship among community members. - The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, minister of Families, Children and Social Development Canada

“The Government of Canada is dedicated to expanding opportunities for Canadian seniors to get involved in community activities that meet their needs, reflect their interests, and tap their collective resources and experiences. We support New Horizons for Seniors Program community-based projects so that seniors across Canada can lead and participate in local activities beneficial to many.” - Lloyd Longfield, member of Parliament for Guelph

Quick Facts

  • These projects were approved through the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) 2017–2018 Call for Proposals for Community-based Projects.
  • Through the NHSP 2017-2018 Call for Proposals, the Government of Canada is providing approximately $35 million in NHSP funding for more than 1,880 community-based projects.
  • Since 2004, the NHSP has approved close to 21,600 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada, with a total Government of Canada investment of approximately $452.5 million.
  • The NHSP 2017-2018 Call for Proposals for Community-based Projects was open from May 10, 2017 until June 23, 2017.
  • Eligible organizations can receive up to $25,000 in project funding.



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