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Guelph’s updated Official Plan now in effect

Ontario Municipal Board approves Guelph OPA 48 with modifications
20160201 Guelph City Hall Sign KA
Guelph City Hall file photo. Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday



The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approved the City’s Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 48 with some modifications on Thursday, Oct. 5.

The amended Official Plan is now in effect with some minor exceptions for items still under appeal. These appeals will be addressed through future Ontario Municipal Board hearings.

“This approved amendment brings Guelph’s Official Plan in line with the Provincial Policy Statement and provides a framework for implementing Ontario’s Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe in Guelph,” said Melissa Aldunate, manager of Policy Planning and Urban Design. “OPA 48 sets the city-building vision for Guelph to the year 2031 and serves the interests of our residents and businesses.”

OPA 48 provides clarity and direction for development while ensuring Guelph achieves sustainable growth targets, population densities and land uses. Highlights of the official plan amendment include updated policies addressing:

  • The protection of Guelph’s water resources;
  • Public health and safety regarding natural and human-made hazards;
  • Proactive climate change planning;
  • Transportation planning with a greater focus on transit, walking and cycling; and
  • Affordable housing needs.

The City is working to update and consolidate the Official Plan document based on the OMB decision. An updated document will be made available in the coming months.

About the Official Plan

The City’s Official Plan is a statement of goals, objectives and policies that guide Guelph’s growth and development in the years leading up to 2031. The Official Plan is developed based on input from the community and is updated every five years.

The plan is focused on sustainability and establishes policies that have a positive effect on Guelph’s social, economic, cultural and natural environment.

The Official Plan strives to maintain a high quality of life for the residents of Guelph, reduce uncertainty concerning future development, and provides a basis for the Zoning Bylaw and other land use controls.

Official Plan Amendment No. 48 was the final phase of the Official Plan Update. This amendment ensures that the Official Plan meets legislative requirements under the Planning Act and that Guelph’s Plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.




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