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Guelph Little Theatre gets funky new look

Some willing talent and an available space has led to some great graffiti art now adorning the exterior of the building

The plain exterior of the Guelph Little Theatre building on Morris Street isn't so plain any more.

The exterior walls of the building have been given a very colourful makeover thanks to some graffiti art.

"This has been a group effort between Guelph Little Theatre and a couple of artists from the Ward community'" said Barb Bryce, head of properties for Guelph Little Theatre.

"The idea has been to find a local artist to make the building more interesting and attractive so it would become a community landmark. The design on the East wall will identify the building as a theatre and the graffiti style mural will help prevent the constant tagging we get on the  building."

Board members Bryce, Julie MacMillan and Robin Jackson got the project started and asked Ward community artists Robin Baird Lewis and Janet Morton to join in.

Lewis is a professional artist and illustrator who has experience with mural painting, Bryce said. She helped to shape the proposal, budget and contract.

Bryce said Morton is a professional artist and made the connection with local graffiti artists Arthur Kerrey, and his wife Tania Crook.

Bryce said that by chance, those two had been hired by the Guelph School of Art to run a four-day Graffiti Camp and the campers were given the north wall of the building for the camp murals.



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