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GO trains running slower due to order issued by Metrolinx

Metrolinx says move is to reduce risk of track damage during heat wave
20211101 GO DC 3
Metrolinx GO train file photo

If you've noticed the GO trains running a little slower the last couple days, it's the heat.

A 'slow order' has been issued by Metrolinx for trains across the GO network because of the extended period of heat the region is experiencing.

"During prolonged periods of high heat, rail tracks have the potential to soften and expand that require us to run trains at slower speeds," Metrolinx said in a statement.

"To ensure the safety of our customers and crew, slow orders are issued along the network which also reduce the risk of track damage."

So far, the only weather-related impact to the train schedule along the Kitchener line is that Wednesday afternoon's train will not stop at Etobicoke North GO station.

Metrolinx said it encourages everyone to visit its website for up-to-the-minute service updates.


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