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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: The challenges of riding a bicycle on the streets of Guelph

LETTER: The challenges of riding a bicycle on the streets of Guelph

'I’ve been yelled at, startled, faced multiple close calls; all far too often to count,' writes reader and cyclist Andrea Bidgood.
LETTER: Writers' Festival sets $50K fundraising goal

LETTER: Writers' Festival sets $50K fundraising goal

That's about one-fifth of the charity’s operating budget, says board of directors chair Theresa Ebden
LETTER: New bylaw may clear streets, but won't clear consciences

LETTER: New bylaw may clear streets, but won't clear consciences

While the current council didn't create the homelessness issue, it's how they respond that's critical
LETTER: Shutting down supervised consumption sites will solve nothing

LETTER: Shutting down supervised consumption sites will solve nothing

'There will be more needles on the ground that haven’t been properly disposed of. There will be more incidents of people being under the influence of drugs in public places,' a reader writes
LETTER: City did not fail to consult Accessibiltiy Advisory Committee

LETTER: City did not fail to consult Accessibiltiy Advisory Committee

'The City of Guelph never had an opportunity to fail, or to succeed, because city council did not instruct the city to develop the public space use bylaw before they approved it'
LETTER: Calling consumption site closures 'a death sentence' not an exaggeration

LETTER: Calling consumption site closures 'a death sentence' not an exaggeration

'Dead people cannot benefit from rehab,' says Dr. Jeff Shantz
LETTER: Thoughtful discourse means stepping away from reactionary responses all around

LETTER: Thoughtful discourse means stepping away from reactionary responses all around

'Breaking complex issues down is usually the starting point for consideration of viable solutions. It is indeed rare that any one measure can do it all. Vilifying those expressing a view effectively suppresses the conversation'
LETTER: It's not about encampments, it's about illegal activity

LETTER: It's not about encampments, it's about illegal activity

'We must pass this public space bylaw for the safety and welfare of everyone involved,' writes reader
LETTER: Correcting misinformation from Ward 2 councillors

LETTER: Correcting misinformation from Ward 2 councillors

'I think my reply below to Ward 2 city councillors Klassen and Goller following their August 2024 community newsletter is important information,' a reader writes
LETTER: Mistake to start selling off Kortright Waterfowl Park

LETTER: Mistake to start selling off Kortright Waterfowl Park

Writer Cameron Shelley urges the land 'continue to be a valuable, public space'