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Guelph Outdoor School builds nature into a child’s week

As the school year begins, parents prepare for another year of joys and challenges for their children.

As the school year begins, parents prepare for another year of joys and challenges for their children. For parents seeking an effective antidote to screen time, an outdoor school might be the perfect complement to their child’s classroom learning.

Guelph Outdoor School structures their programming to immerse children in a culture of curiosity and engagement with the outdoors. Their entirely outdoor-based learning is led by experienced “nature mentors,” and supports children’s social-emotional development, physical confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

These adult mentors provide a variety of role models for children and youth attending the school. The ratio is 1 instructor for every 5 participants, to ensure a high degree of attention for each child and support learning opportunities based on the child’s particular interests.

The school’s outdoor immersion and mentorship programs are available to children ages 4-14. Registration for fall weekly programs is now open and ongoing, with the program starting on September 9th and ending on December 20th, 2024. The cost to register is $1,275 for 15 weeks, which is pro-rated for mid-season registration. Sliding scale pricing is also available.


Over 200 families attend Guelph Outdoor School on a weekly basis. The school’s parents have seen the benefits of weekly outside time for their children: increased focus, creativity, emotional regulation and positive interpersonal relationships.

One GOS parent shared her impressions of her daughter’s experiences at the school. 

“It’s her favourite activity of the week. When I bring her there, she is keen and excited to go, and when I pick her up, she is happy, energized, and balanced.”

Dr. Alexa Kane, C. Psych Psychologist, had such a positive experience with her son Jackson attending the school, that she felt compelled to write them a note of thanks.

“I have honestly never seen my kid so happy. I was in tears hearing him recount his day. Normally after school, I get grunts, or maybe a ‘fine’ or ‘bad’ when I ask about his day, and I never get any details. This time, he would NOT STOP TALKING about everything he got to do, and how he can’t wait to go back next week. I can’t even express how happy this makes me.”


The school also offers PD day events, adult workshops, and family events. Upcoming events this fall include a PD day spent following animal tracks, a weekend of fall outdoor immersion (which includes tracking, handwork & bushcraft, fire skills, and games), and a “shelter builder” PD day, where children learn how to build small shelters and learn about animals’ homes.

For more information or to register your child, visit their website