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LETTER: Is city council trying to deliberately cause traffic jams?

'Guelph has become all about road rage, air pollution, traffic jams and angry people,' a reader writes
20210910 separated bike lane AD 1
The blocks are set up past Fountain St. and end at Wellington St.

GuelphToday received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Randy Lawrence

Well, our incompetent mayor and city council strikes again!

Who, in their right mind deliberately jams traffic from one end of town to the next?

Guelph has become all about road rage, air pollution, traffic jams and angry people.

Trains, bike lanes and road construction that causes the same roads to be dug up every year? Barriers on the side of the roads and down the middle of them making roads dangerous to drive on, did I mention speed bumps on city streets? I'd hate to have to swerve to miss a kid or a dog and run into all those ridiculous posts that have become so fashionable in our 15 minute s*!#--show. They're dangerous as hell to people who ride motorcycles or bicycles. Now, you can't turn right on a red light and help keep traffic moving because they've blocked access to that option with the stupid posts mounted on the streets.

Then, god bless them, they've seen fit to paint giant green boxes on the streets which can be slippery when wet, especially for bicycles and motorcycles.
What are these people thinking?

Guelph used to be a great place to live. I can only imagine that the mayor and his crew are trying to tell us all to just leave.

It has become an angry, depressing, prison like s*!#-show. It's just stupid trying to get anywhere in town. By the time you actually get where you were going you're in a s*!##^ mood and usually have a headache.

The mayor and his crew should all just resign and turn it over to competent people who are about making Guelph an enjoyable place to live again. Hell, maybe even some folks who could put together a fireworks display on Canada day.

They have failed us all miserably.

Randy Lawrence