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LETTER: In defence of driving a Tesla

'Remember he is only one person and there are a lot of really good people working at Tesla and that they have produced amazing vehicles,' a reader says
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GuelphToday received the following letter from a reader who is a Tesla owner

As a Tesla owner I wish to let people know that I bought the car because of the features and benefits of owning the car.

I did not buy it because I had any opinion of Elon Musk.

I now do have an opinion: I see him as a brilliant man with obviously a very high IQ, but sadly with a very low EQ (emotional quotient). He is being a jerk.

All that being said, I have no intention of getting rid of the car that I consider the best car I ever had.

I also am disappointed that people have resorted to damaging Teslas and Tesla properties, no one deserves that.

Remember he is only one person and there are a lot of really good people working at Tesla and that they have produced amazing vehicles.

I am hoping that the Tesla board gets rid of Musk and Tesla gets a new CEO and a new face for the public.

David Chapman