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LETTER: What not to do with Dog Poop

'It can be frustrating to see the garbage, especially around bus stops but by far the most bewildering are the bags of dog poop, especially when there is a garbage bin close by,' a reader says

GuelphToday received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Bill Summers

With the sunny, warm days of spring it is time for me to get out collecting garbage in city parks and along the streets heading into downtown.

This year I may be a bit early, but there is no shortage of garbage and picking it up now, will only reduce the work later.

It can be frustrating to see the garbage, especially around bus stops but by far the most bewildering are the bags of dog poop, especially when there is a garbage bin close by.

Today I picked up 22 bags of dog poop, in Royal City Park.

There is a dog owner, that thinks it is okay to leave bags of dog poop around the baseball diamond fence and at the base of trees in this park.

What could possibly be their rationale in doing this?

Are they just lazy, think it is funny or do they believe that the green coloured bags, are making some sort or artistic statement.

If you are a dog owner, please take the time to put your dog poop bag in the garbage.

If you see someone tossing or hiding a dog poop bag, call them out for their bad behaviour.


Bill Summers