GuelphToday received the following letter to the editor from Don Rusk in response to a previous letter 'Leave the American diet behind':
I grew up in a house in Guelph that was built in the sixties. Every house on the street had a cold cellar under the front porch as most houses did. We bought bushels of apples , potatoes , carrots, squash , beets , and onions and for some reason , turnip . We canned peaches , pears, applesauce and cherries. We made pickles. We filled the freezer with pies ,berries, locally produced meat and locally produced chicken. Maple syrup is much cheaper if you buy it from a farmer by the gallon. you can put it in the freezer in small jars.
They should build all houses with cold cellars again. Get your kids off the couch and make some jam or bake a pie. It's actually fun. We are so spoiled and lazy we think we are suffering if we can't have kiwis in February or have to stop playing grand theft auto to pick berries . We did it to ourselves but it wouldn't take a lot of effort to gain back most of our food independence.
Don Rusk