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Guelph General Hospital tightens visitor restrictions

Provides free television and telephone service for patients
20200225 Guelph General Hospital KA
A large sign at a public entrance of Guelph General Hospital asks people walking in the door if they have flu-like symptoms and have recently been to China or had contact with someone who has been. Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday

Guelph General Hospital is further tightening its visitor policy based on the newest developments and keeping the best interest of its patients and staff at the forefront. 

Starting March 18, there will be no visiting allowed except in exceptional circumstances and then limited to one visitor at a time per patient. The exceptional circumstances include:

  • Close relative of a terminally ill patient who is near end of life
  • Parent of a child under the age of 18
  • Partners/support persons of patients giving birth
  • Visitor is requested to attend hospital to be present to support patients whose needs may be best met by having a family member (e.g. dementia patients with increased agitation)

To help patients manage, the hospital will be providing free TV and telephone service.




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