MOUNT FOREST — If you have thoughts on the future location of Mount Forest's new outdoor pool, now is your chance.
The township of Wellington North has applied to rezone 0.91 acres from 'future development' zoning to 'open space' to allow for a future outdoor pool at 850 Princess St. in Mount Forest, next door to the Mount Forest and District Sports Complex and neighbouring some future developments.
The new outdoor pool is proposed to include an accessible beach entry, lap swimming, diving tank, children’s area and spots for aquafit and swim lessons.
Planning staff has raised no concerns with the application and believes it's consistent with the Provincial Planning Statement and conforms with the County of Wellington Official Plan policies.
Additional relief may be considered at this meeting.
In the past, residents have expressed concern about the proposed location- suggesting the Fairgrounds as an alternate location or keeping the pool on Parkside Drive. Others maintain the pool should be indoors.
Council previously approved a new water tower at the old Mount Forest pool site in approximately 30 years to help with the future expansion of the Mount Forest waterworks facility.
Isabel Buckmaster is the Local Journalism Initiative reporter for GuelphToday. LJI is a federally-funded program.