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Rest Easy 1963

Rest Easy 1963

Member since: May, 2023

History, Popular Culture, Human Sexuality, World Economics, World Geography, and Outer Space. Everything objectively “mapped” pretty much. Some of my close friends may tell you I am from Outer Space. Ain’t we all, really?

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Coroner cleared of wrongdoing in seizing GuelphToday reporter's equipment

Coroner cleared of wrongdoing in seizing GuelphToday reporter's equipment

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Rest Easy 1963
Rest Easy 1963 commented

"...Journalists are not agents of the police..." said Bent Jolly, president of the Canadian Association of Journalists. Full stop. Absolutely. The integrity of journalism, and the democratic freedoms of journalism have been compromised by politicians of this country for a long time.
Lawyer up, I say. Foot note: if the OPP officer in question can't handle the pressures of his work than he must retire. Please keep us posted with developments on this case.

4 1 0

Pregnant mom with disabled son facing homelessness

Pregnant mom with disabled son facing homelessness

Local News |

Rest Easy 1963
Rest Easy 1963 commented

All levels of our current Canadian governance have the accounting-monetary tools to provide for the vulnerable in our communities. We can over-print money like there in no tomorrow? In other words, the governments have the currency to send to the marketplace. But, again, they can issue tax incentives rather than create "new money."
Why don't the governments set-up substantial tax incentive programs for landlords?? Why doesn't the governments [all three: Municipal, Provincial, and Federal] make it mandatory for example 10% of vacant apartments always be available to house the vulnerable?? They need to do this YESTERDAY.

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