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Drug charges for woman passed out in vehicle

Police say the woman had suspected fentanyl and crystal meth in her possession
20190614 Guelph Police Service KA
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

A Guelph woman faces drug and property charges after she was located in a vehicle Saturday morning.

Just before 11 a.m. police were called for a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot near Woolwich Street and Speedvale Avenue. Officers approached and noted a woman who appeared to be asleep and a baggie with white powder in the vehicle.

The woman was awakened and arrested for possession of a controlled substance. A search of the vehicle revealed quantities of suspected fentanyl and crystal methamphetamine, as well as several fake driver’s licences in various names and a stolen credit card.

A 41-year-old Guelph woman is charged with two counts of possessing controlled substances, possessing forged documents, possessing a stolen credit card and failing to comply with an undertaking.