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Your opportunity to give input on city's 2019 budget

Proposed 2019 non-tax supported operating budget and 2019 capital budget and forecast are now available online
20160201 Guelph City Hall Skating Rink KA
Guelph City Hall. Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday

The City has released the 2019 non-tax supported operating budget and the 2019 capital budget and forecast to City Council and the community.

The non-tax supported operating budget focuses on the services residents pay for through rates, fees and charges, such as stormwater management, water and wastewater. The capital budget and forecast outlines the budget required to sustain our current infrastructure and build for the future.

“The 2019 budget is a critical deliverable and priority for staff, and sets a foundation for future priority conversations with Council in 2019,” said Derrick Thomson, chief administrative officer for the City of Guelph. “We look forward to discussions with Council and the community throughout our budget process.”

The non-tax supported operating budget will be presented to Council on Jan. 10; on Jan. 16, staff will present the capital budget and forecast. Delegations will be heard on each of its respective budget nights. Council deliberation and approval will be Jan. 23 and 30 respectively.

“This year’s budget delivers a comprehensive 2019 capital budget and a forecast that looks out nine years; but more importantly, it’s funded and was developed following our asset management principles,” said Trevor Lee, deputy chief administrative officer, Corporate Services. “The non-tax supported operating budget ensures we can maintain the health and safety of the community, meet legislative requirements and provide exceptional customer service.”

Today’s releases are the first two of four budget documents to be considered by Council. In the coming weeks, the proposed tax supported operating, and local boards and shared services budgets will be released for Council consideration and community review.

Community input

Citizens have an opportunity to address Council about the budget through a written submission or in person at the respective budget Council meeting. Please register as a delegate, or make a submission by 10 a.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting. You can register using our online delegate request form, or contact the City Clerk’s office at 519-837-5603 or email [email protected].

Residents are invited to review the proposed budgets documents and follow the City’s budget updates here, on Twitter (@cityofguelph, #GuelphBudget) and on Facebook (@cityofguelph).

New this year, you can watch all budget Council meetings (presentations, delegation and deliberation nights) live here.

All budget documents and related information will be posted here as they become available. Online budget documents comply with the Province’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Accessible formats available by calling 519-822-1260, ext. 2325 or TTY 519-826-9771.

All Council meetings will be in Council Chambers, City Hall, 1 Carden St.



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