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What will you be doing on International No Diet Day?

Downtown storefronts help the Waterloo-Wellington Eating Disorders Coalition celebrate International No Diet Day
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Storefronts in Downtown Guelph and Kitchener-Waterloo will once again be helping the Waterloo-Wellington Eating Disorders Coalition counteract negative messages about weight on May 6, 2016, for International No Diet Day.

The signs can be seen in storefront windows downtown, along Wyndham, Quebec, MacDonnell and Carden St. This year we have also expanded to Kitchener-Waterloo, where some local businesses will display signs.

Many of the signs will be on display from Friday, April 29, through May 10.

The signs promote Health at Every Size, a non-dieting approach oriented toward celebrating our natural sizes and honouring our bodies.

Although not everyone who diets develops an eating disorder, many who struggle with eating disorders first start out by dieting.

Diet industries perpetuate the thin ideal, leaving many people unhappy with their body. Some of these people will go on to develop distorted eating behaviours or eating disorders.

The Waterloo-Wellington Eating Disorders Coalition, alongside many other individuals and agencies who are participating in International No Diet Day are working to challenge cultural attitudes and values that contribute to chronic dieting, weight and size preoccupation, eating disorders, and size discrimination.

Here are 10 suggestions of ways to participate in International No Diet Day:

  • Take a break from dieting. Try eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full. Listen to your body’s signals.
  • Stop thinking about foods as “good,” “bad” or “junk food.” Taste, savour and enjoy all foods to the fullest!
  • Make health, not weight loss, your lifestyle goal.
  • Give up, or better still, smash the scale
  • Clean out your closet and get rid of all your “thin clothes” - donate these items to charity
  • Ask local bookstores to display anti-diet and “Health At Every Size” books this month
  • Stop focusing on appearance. Don’t make comments like “You look great! Have you lost weight?” Look for other praise-worthy comments to highlight other than personal appearance.
  • Engage in physical activities for pleasure and health benefits, rather than regimented exercise for the primary purpose of weight loss
  • End weight discrimination by celebrating size diversity. Beauty, health and fitness come in all sizes
  • Check out downtown store windows hosting slogans promoting positive body image and size acceptance. Don’t let the fact that International No Diet Day is only one day of the year stop you from practicing the above on a daily basis.

For more background information about eating disorders and size acceptance, please visit our website or check us out on Facebook or Twitter.

For more information, contact co-chairs Andrea LaMarre (519 993 6435, [email protected]) or Karen McGratten (519 341 6079, [email protected]


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