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Sports dome stays in city hands

City council confirms decision to keep it, offer expanded programming
The Guelph Sports Dome.

The Guelph Sports Dome will not be sold, city council unanimously confirmed Monday evening. Rather, it opted to offer an expanded variety of programs and sporting opportunities there to increase its use.

Made without discussion, the decision ratifies a committee-of-the-whole recommendation approved earlier this month at the prompting of city staff.

After assuming control of the dome in 2019 from Guelph Community Sports, a group created to oversee operations, and paying off the remaining $250,000 mortgage, council was faced with three choices; sell the dome/property, bring in another organization to run it, or maintain it as a city recreation facility.

Staff recommended the latter, citing the potential loss of recreational opportunities if sold and the ability to offer fitness classes, after-school offerings, winter training opportunities and more there if it remains a city asset.

The dome is located in Centennial Park, behind College Heights Secondary School on College Avenue.


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