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Public lecture at U of G on global citizenship in uncertain times

University of Guelph’s "Global Thought Leader in Residence" Vikas Swarup speaks Oct. 12
Vikas Swarup

The University of Guelph’s "Global Thought Leader in Residence" Vikas Swarup will deliver a public lecture titled “Global Citizens in Uncertain Times.”  

All are welcome to attend. 

The talk takes place tonight, Thursday, Oct. 12, from 5  to 6:30 p.m. at OVC Enhanced Clinical Learning Centre, Room 1720, 415 Gordon St. (RSVP at [email protected]). 

Swarup will discuss the imperative of global citizenship at a time when the world is more integrated but also more fragmented than ever before, the university said in a news release.

His talk will emphasize the need for citizens with a global outlook as well as examine the necessary attributes of a global citizen. 

“We need citizens with a global outlook because the vast majority of challenges facing the world can only be solved by countries working together,” Swarup said. 

A well-regarded author, and former diplomat who served as high commissioner of India to Canada, Swarup was recently welcomed to U of G as the University’s inaugural Global Thought Leader in Residence.  

The new position was launched jointly with the Canada India Foundation to elevate Canada-India relations through intellectual engagement. 

Swarup’s residency extends to Oct. 23, during which time he will be engaged in guest lectures, public talks and interactions with faculty, students and staff. 


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