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Investigation underway after three chicks abandoned in dumpster

Days-old birds found behind apartment building; one died, two remain under observation
One of three chicks found abandoned in a dumpster on Thursday has died.

Three chicks were found abandoned in a dumpster behind an apartment building on Thursday, prompting an investigation by Guelph Humane Society (GHS) officers. 

One of the birds has died, while the health of the other two is being closely monitored, explains a news release.

“It is disturbing that these young birds were abandoned and left in these grave circumstances,” said Lisa Veit, GHS’s executive director. “All of the chicks most certainly would have died overnight had they not been found. We are grateful to the good Samaritan who contacted us to rescue them.”   

The Speedvale Avenue West building manager reported the birds to the humane society at about 6 p.m. 

They appeared to the officer to be three to five days old, the release notes. The chicks were taken for after-hours veterinary care and assessment. 

Anyone with information about the abandoned chicks is asked to call the Provincial Animal Welfare Service at 1-833-926-4625.


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