Guelph’s firefighters are collecting toys for The Salvation Army as part of their annual Christmas campaign that kicks off today.
Gifts of new, unwrapped toys for infants and children and $25 gift cards for teens can be dropped off anytime at any one of the City’s six fire stations until Sunday, Dec. 17. Needed items include new toys for boys and girls in the age groups zero to two and seven to 11.
“Opening our fire halls to accept toys is one way we can give back to the community we serve and to help make Christmas a little more special for Guelph families in need,” says Guelph Fire Chief John Osborne.
The fire stations are located at:
- 50 Wyndham Street South
- 74 Speedvale Avenue East
- 115 Stone Road West
- 21 Imperial Road South
- 380 Elizabeth Street
- 160 Clair Road West
To boost toy donations and celebrate Giving Tuesday—a national movement that encourages people to give back to their communities—The Salvation Army is asking individuals to ‘Toss a Toy for Giving Tuesday’ on Nov. 28. On that day, toys can be dropped off at any of the fire stations as well as Stone Road Mall, Walmart (Woodlawn Road), and Canadian Tire (Stone Road).
According to The Salvation Army, one in seven Canadian children live in poverty, which means each year thousands of children go to bed on Christmas Eve not knowing if there will be any toys under the tree in the morning.
Last year across Canada, 262,000 people were helped by The Salvation Army at Christmas with food hampers and toys. In Guelph, 877 children received toys and 205 teens received $25 gift cards as part of the toy drive distribution, and 1,032 Christmas food hampers were distributed to families in need.
Businesses or groups looking to get involved in the hamper or toy drive, can contact The Salvation Army at 519-836-9824. Toy pick up can be arranged by calling the church office at 519-836-9360.