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Get your green thumb ready, tree planting season is coming

Tree planting events to be held on various Saturdays beginning Sept. 28
Trees for Guelph is hosting community planting events this fall at parks across Guelph.

With the cooler weather inbound, tree planting season is in full bloom.

Trees for Guelph is hosting community planting events once again at parks across the city on Saturdays.

The planting will happen Sept. 28 at Norm Jary Park, Oct. 5 at Kortright Hills, south of Teal Drive, and on Oct. 19 at Eastview Community Park.

Each of the planting sessions will run from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Along with tree planting, the events will feature demonstrations and education on how to keep plants alive.

You’re required to register either at the event itself or online through a social media events page.

Officials with Trees for Guelph are hoping to have all 600 plant pots empty by the end of the season.

The group is also encouraging residents to take part in the Take Root program, which allows for native trees to be transplanted onto your property for free.

If interested, you can visit the program website and get matched beginning Sept. 23.

Residents can then pick up trees on Oct. 19 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Riverside Park.


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