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Flamingo decorating for a good cause

Fun contest raises money and awareness for breast cancer research
20160903 pink flamingos ts
Pink Flamingos are being sold at JL's Home Hardware on Wellington Street to be decorated as part of a cancer fundraising effort. Tony Saxon/GuelphToday

Break out your best flamingo decorating skills for a good cause.

JL’s Home Hardware Building Centre on Wellington Street is raising awareness and money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation by selling pink flamingos that people then decorate, placing them on their lawns but bringing them back to the store for judging by Oct. 10.

There are prizes for the winner.

The flamingos are $25 each and are also being sold at the Home Hardware location in the Grange Plaza.

“We are happy to partner with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation especially with October being Breast Cancer Month. We’re hoping that everyone in Guelph will help surpass last year’s adoption of birds," said JL's owner Andre Belisle.

The store is also gearing up for its annual Ladies Night for breast cancer research which will be held at the store on Oct. 12.

The theme of this year's Ladies Night is female super heroes.

Women can come dressed as they are or as their favourite super hero - real or fictional.

There will be lots of fun and lot of food at the annual fundraiser.






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