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Coldest Night of the Year walk goes virtual

You still have the option of either a 2km or 5km walk, but you can walk close to home and enjoy your favourite trail
Coldest Night of the Year Guelph 2016
Photo from the 2016 Coldest Night of the Year Walk. Photo courtesy of L. Baxter Photography.

Join HOPE House Saturday, Feb. 20 for the Coldest Night of the Year, a family-friendly walk for Guelph's hurting, hungry and homeless, during a 100 per cent virtual walking event!  

With the move to a virtual event, details surrounding the opening ceremony etc. will be released shortly.

Last year's Coldest Night of the Year event raised $105,116! Isn't that amazing? 364 walkers on 47 teams made this happen. We are so thankful to you all.

We think that in 2021, you, Guelph, can surpass that goal in order to help the hurting, hungry and homeless right here in our city - to do that, we need approximately 450 walkers across 60 teams to join us.

Are you up for the challenge? Currently, we are sitting at 24 teams. Most recently, due to provincial restrictions and in an effort to ensure the safety of ALL community members participating in this year's event – this event has been moved to a 100 per cent virtual event. What this means is that you can now enjoy your favourite walking trail all while supporting a great cause!

You still have the option of either a 2km or 5km walk, the added benefit is that you can walk close to home and enjoy your favourite trail. Put a team together or join our team, HOPE Walks, and come walk with us during the Coldest Night of the Year to make a difference in the lives of others.

By joining a team, you are able to walk “together” in spirit – even while you cannot physically be together. Please remember to wear good walking waterproof shoes or boots, warm coat & mitts. Register a team of your friends, family, co-workers or team mates by visiting All proceeds raised go directly to HOPE House. Learn more about the critical programs we offer at

HOPE to see you there!

About Coldest Night of the Year

Funds raised through the Coldest Night of the Year help HOPE House provide immediate relief and ongoing support services and programs that challenge the stigmas surrounding poverty while simultaneously providing people with tactile skills developed in a community environment.

This year’s virtual walk ends Saturday, February 20th, with schedule to be released shortly. Please visit for more information.




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