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Art Not Shame hosting Art-a-Thon fundraiser

Organization opening a brand new space downtown and need support from the community to help them finish the final touches and ensure the space is intentional and truly accessible for all
Mark making.

Guelph-based, community-engaged arts organization, Art Not Shame is inviting anyone who is interested to participate in their Art-a-Thon fundraising campaign.

There are not enough accessible, inclusive art spaces in Guelph and Art Not Shame is going to change that! They are opening a brand new space downtown and are excited to start to welcome the community into this space, but they need support from the community to help them finish the final touches and ensure the space is intentional and truly accessible for all.

Between Sept. 1 and 28, Art Not Shame is inviting folks to put self-criticism and judgement aside and enjoy the simple act of creating. Utilizing creative prompts as a guide you can sing, draw, sew, write, paint or do whatever you’re called to do while asking your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor and cheer you on all while supporting Art Not Shame.

“We believe that creativity and a sense of belonging are part of what makes us well and that arts give us greater access to ourselves and to each other,” says Executive Director Michelle Peek, “the opening of this new space has been in the works for several years now and we are in the final stages of making it a reality. We know we can do it with the help of our amazing community.”

We would like to thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Government of Canada, the W.C. Wood Foundation, the Balnar Family Foundation, Guelph 100 Women Who Care and all of our other generous supporters for making this possible.

Want to know more about Art Not Shame? Check out our website: or follow us on Instagram: @Art Not Shame



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