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It’s a win-win: your dream car and supporting a great cause

Help drive hope by supporting “The Coping Centre’s” 2024 Corvette Raffle and 50/50 Draw

The Coping Centre was founded by Glenn and Roslyn Crichton in 1990, eight years after the death of their daughter Rachele. Rachele was a bright, fun-loving child who died in hospital, 5 days after being diagnosed with leukemia.  Roslyn says, “We were in shock, we were devastated. The leukemia took off like a brush fire in her body. She had been healthy, it was unexpected, even by the doctors at the hospital.”

Rachele died 5 days shy of her 5th birthday, just before she was to enter kindergarten. This was a little girl with a big personality who could read and write and learned to play Happy Birthday on the piano for her father’s birthday. Her older brother Adam and younger brother Tim were lost without her. Suddenly, Roslyn and Glenn were dealing with the trauma of burying their child and didn’t know where to turn.


Couldn’t find the support they needed

Grief has always been a taboo subject in our society.

Roslyn says, “While people wanted to be kind, they didn’t know how to support us. We found it very difficult to find support.” The Crichtons received a lot of bad advice from well-meaning people. Roslyn adds, “These people had very good intentions and you do need some distractions but there wasn’t a lot of help around helping us to understand what it meant to mourn our little girl.” The couple felt isolated and alone. 

COPING (Caring for Other People in Grief) 

Roslyn and Glenn have been able to honour Rachele and find meaning in her death by establishing The Coping Centre in Cambridge and supporting others who are grieving. Roslyn says, “An important part in our mourning is seeking to find meaning in this. Not seeking to find why it happened but something that you have learned through your grief.”

The couple began by holding meetings in their home. Today, more than 100 participants are supported with the help of trained facilitators at group meetings held throughout the week.  


Need for grief support is greater than ever

The Coping Centre is open to anyone struggling with the death of a loved one. Glenn stresses, “We decided early on that compassion should be free. When people lose a loved one, it can be financially devastating. It’s wonderful to see the relief on an individual’s face when we tell them there is no cost.” 

It’s a lifeline for those navigating grief, but with so many people seeking support, there is an extensive waitlist for their programs. The Coping Centre does not receive government funding and relies entirely on fundraising events and community generosity to provide their grief support programs.

One of The Coping Centre’s signature fundraising events is their annual Corvette Raffle and 50/50 Draw. Events like the Corvette Raffle isn’t just a way to raise funds, it’s the backbone of The Coping Centre’s ability to continue offering these life-changing programs at no cost. Glenn says, “Every dollar raised directly helps grieving individuals receive the care and guidance they so desperately need. The reality is, without the support of community fundraising, many people may have to wait longer for help during one of the most vulnerable times of their lives.” 

Corvette Raffle and 50/50 Draw 

Following the Corvette Raffle draw on November 2nd, someone will be driving away in a stunning 2024 1LT Corvette Stingray valued at $116,390.01. Will it be you? 

Imagine revving that engine and knowing that you’re making a real difference in the lives of grieving individuals.  Glenn says, “We’re not government funded, and we don’t charge for anything we provide. The best part is that every ticket helps grieving families find hope and healing.” Enter now for your shot at the ultimate ride. To purchase tickets, you can call (877) 554-4498 or online.

Corvette Stingray Draw: Saturday November 2024 at 9pm

  • Single ticket $20
  • 3-pack $50
  • 7-pack $100
  • 15-pack $200

50/50 Draw

  • 10 ticket pack $15
  • 50-pack $25
  • 125-pack $50
  • 300-pack $100

Glenn says, “On November 2nd we’re not only giving away a corvette but the value of the 50/50 draw will probably be around $35,000. People could really help us by calling or going on our website to buy a ticket. Every dollar makes a difference. The Corvette Raffle also funds an Adventure Summer Camp for grieving children. 

Need for donations is urgent

As more people turn to The Coping Centre, the need for donations is greater than ever. Fundraisers like the Corvette Raffle and 50/50 Draw help ensure that no one has to face their grief alone. It allows The Coping Centre to extend a compassionate hand to those waiting for support. 

If you mourn well, you can live well, and love well again. 

For more information or to purchase Corvette Raffle & 50/50 Draw call (877) 554-4498 or visit here
