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LETTER: Need politicians with backbone to address encampment

Reader asks: 'When did those in our municipal government decide not to deal with issues that affect us all?'
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GuelphToday received the following letter to the editor from M. Shortt on the tent encampment downtown.

Today I was downtown for an appointment. I have not been to Upper Wyndham for a while and was astonished to find a group of tents situated in the square.

Now, I know there are those who advocate for these individuals which is your choice. However, I as a citizen of Guelph for over 70 years disagree.

Guelph is a community that has welcomed changes; some good and some you just scratch your head wondering how some decisions are made.

When did those in our municipal government decide not to deal with issues that affect us all; mainly the encampment downtown.

Either they need some backbone or we need a new mayor and city councillors who have the courage to deal with issues that may not be acceptable to some.

M. Shortt