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LETTER: Leadership needs to address pedestrian safety

'These are such senseless deaths that should have never happened', reader says
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GuelphToday received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Regg Struyk in regards to the article Elderly female pedestrian hit and killed.

Lives are at stake and weed need leadership now!

Yet another pedestrian is struck and killed in Guelph. This is the second in two weeks. We are talking about human lives that can never be replaced.

We need leadership that will address this ever growing problem. This includes civic leaders, MP, MPP, Chamber of Commerce, Guelph police, city planning and Guelphites.

These are such senseless deaths that should have never happened. The city was never designed to have the population it has and certainly never intended for the number of vehicles that drive our roads daily. We collectively need to say "enough is enough" and demand that we address this since lives are at stake.

We see it every day, people running lights, block the square on advanced green, speeding and so much careless driving. Where is the traffic enforcement? In one day the police could make their annual budget.

When did we become so desensitized and disrespectful to others that share our community? Yes we all own vehicles but we share the road with everyone, regardless of the mode of transportation. Remember when you drive a vehicle it is potentially a weapon that can kill people?

I challenge everyone I mentioned to make a difference.

Regg Struyk