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LETTER: Contact the GRCA regarding Niska/Kortright conservation lands

Reader encourages letter writing campaign to tell the GRCA along with Guelph Council, not to sell Niska/Kortright conservation land
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GuelphToday received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Doug Grove, who expresses concerns with the GCRA's Conservation Area Strategy: 

Regarding the tell the GRCA not to sell Niska/Kortright conservation lands article, here is the contact information web sites for sending letters to.
Guelph City Council:
City Council - City of Guelph

Tell the GRCA along with Guelph Council, not to sell Niska/Kortright conservation lands. Former Mayor Norm Jary and Council in 1977 did the right thing in buying this property, to keep it as parkland and not lost to developers. So why lose it and say these smart important people did the wrong thing? Please send letters to save this parkland being lost to housing.

Doug Grove,