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Here are the 10 new automated speed camera locations proposed for the county

New locations are recommended in Wellington North, Mapleton, Erin and Centre Wellington

WELLINGTON COUNTY — New automated speed enforcement cameras could be coming to more parts of Wellington County later this year. 

In a new report coming to the county roads committee Tuesday morning, staff are seeking direction on whether to implement new automated speed enforcement camera locations (ASE) at the 10 remaining Community Safety Zones across Wellington County. 

ASE cameras automatically give tickets to the owners of vehicles caught speeding beyond a particular threshold, which hasn't been disclosed.

The 10 proposed locations are: 

  • Wellington Road 16 in Damascus from 1,700 metres North of Wellington Road 109 to 1,300 metres North of Wellington Road 109
  • Wellington Road 10 (McGivern Street) in Moorefield from 470 metres South of Hillwood Drive to the intersection with Caroline Street, outside of Maryborough Public School
  • Wellington Road 8 in Alma from 200 metre West of Sideroad 19 to 200 metres East of Sideroad 19
  • Wellington Road 86 in Drayton from 220 metres West of Sideroad 16 to 220 metres East of Sideroad 16
  • Wellington Road 7 in Elora from Wellington Road 21 (McNab Street) to Speers Road
  • Wellington Road 18 (East Mill Street) in Elora from Chapel Street to Kertland Street, outside of Elora Public School
  • Wellington Rd 19 (Garafraxa Street East) in Fergus from 420 metres South of First Line to the intersection with Robinson Road, outside of Maranatha Christian School
  • Wellington Road 7 in Ponosby from 300 metres East of Sideroad 14 to 135 metres West of Sideroad 14, outside of Ponosby Public School
  • Wellington Road 124 in Erin from 430 metres South of Patrick Drive to 120 metres North of Trafalgar Road, outside of Brisbane Public School
  • Wellington Road 124 (Main Street) in Erin from East Church Street to Millwood Road


According to the report, the county's contractor needs to start working on the implementation details now if they want to meet a September 2025 deadline since many site-specific details and approvals need to be considered before an ASE camera goes live. 

Staff will report back on the ASE implementation status for these sites as the work progresses.

The county has already implemented ASE at five of the county's 17 total Community Safety Zones in:

  • Fergus on Belsyde Avenue East between Tower Street South and McTavish Street
  • Aberfoyle on Brock Road South between a point 225 metres north of Old Brock Road and a point 300 metres south of Old Brock Road
  • Palmerston on Main Street between Henry Street and York Street
  • Mount Forest on Sligo Road East between a point 50 metres west of Church Street North and a point 125 metres west of London Road North
  • Drayton on Wellington Road 11 from Andrews Drive to Spring Street

The two trial locations remaining to be implemented are Wellington Road 24 in Hillsburgh and Wellington Road 27 in Rockwood, which are still waiting for permission from Hydro One. Staff anticipate they will go live by the end of April. 

Staff are also looking at creating larger ASE signs as an additional measure to inform drivers of the presence of ASE cameras, starting with one at the Wellington Road 46 location in Aberfoyle given the road section already has oversized speed limit signs.

"Staff believe the current signage at the other ASE locations is appropriate and do not plan to change the signage at this time," said the report. 

All revenue generated from the ASE program will be allocated to the Roads Capital Reserve; staff said funding for various projects, upgrades and improvements will need to be determined as part of the 2026 budget process. 

Revenue generated from the tickets is split between the ASE vendor Global Traffic Group and the fine amount is similar to what would be issued by a police officer, although the exact split is confidential. 

While a breakdown of how many tickets were issued at each location isn't available yet, staff said 87 per cent of ASE speed infractions occur between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The ASE program is considered a pilot for the year and only involves the county and its roads. In the future, it could be rolled out to include lower-tier municipalities and roads. 

Isabel Buckmaster is the Local Journalism Initiative reporter for GuelphToday. LJI is a federally-funded program.

About the Author: Isabel Buckmaster, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Isabel Buckmaster covers Wellington County under the Local Journalism Initiative, which is funded by the Government of Canada
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