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Summer’s Coming! What are your summer skin goals?

ArtMed offers advice to keep your skin healthy and glowing all summer long

Summer in Canada is a highly social time. Backyard BBQs, weddings, vacations – you name it we love to get together, get out there and socialize. Looking ahead sometimes people wonder what they can do in the short term to get their skin looking its summer social best.

Let’s look at some common situations and what can be done before summer arrives.

Dull dry skin:

Winter has left its mark! Exfoliation and hydration are the key to revealing dewy, smooth summer skin.

  • Dermal infusion - exfoliate dead skin layers & pump hydrating serums into moisture-starved skin
  • Clear & Brilliant laser - zero-downtime gentle resurfacing reveals soft dewy skin within 7 days
  • Microneedling + PRP or exosomes – stimulate skin cell renewal, even out tone and boost collagen production with minimal downtime
  • Skin care: hydrating serums, sunblock, Vitamin C serum, retinol


Event ready skin:

If you have a big event like a wedding this summer start your skin care plan now; it’s like training for a marathon - get ready step by step by step.

  • Visit a medical aesthetics clinic to formulate a treatment plan in advance
  • Low level laser procedures, chemical peels or microneedling resurface your skin and boost skin cell turnover
  • Neurotoxins (eg. Botox or Xeomin) can be used to smooth wrinkles, lift brows, reduce a gummy smile, decrease sweating
  • Dermal fillers hydrate and plump the skin of the face, lips
  • R3 facial – microneedling + topical neurotoxin + serum – decrease facial sweating, oiliness and redness & improve skin quality
  • Bio-stimulatory filler & skin tightening - tighten and plump face, neck, hands
  • Pre-event: enjoy a European facial to stimulate circulation, reduce puffiness and relax +++

Aging skin face & body:

  • Crepey skin? Treat it in as little as 8 weeks – sleeveless shirts? No problem!
  • Wrinkles? – neurotoxin can smooth skin and mitigate the wrinkle-inducing effect of squinting and frowning in the sun
  • Skin-tightening, gentle-resurfacing, volume restoration, all possible in a short period of time
  • Vitamin C serum, retinol and sunblock are your friends – aim for an excellent pharmaceutical skin care regimen

Pigmentation in the sun:

Prone to getting mottled, spotty skin after sun exposure? There are effective products to prevent sun-induced hyperpigmentation and treatments to reduce existing pigment

Before you tan this season:

  • Consider broad band light (BBL) therapy – reduce the appearance of sun damage on arms, hands, legs, face and chest before the season begins; prevent it going forward


More active in the summer?

  • Treat excess sweating with botox
  • Stress and urge incontinence can be treated in as little as 6-8 weeks – make having an active lifestyle and travelling easier!
  • Start laser hair removal treatments and stop shaving/waxing

Acne prone skin:

These are some options to quickly improve you skin:

  • Quick series of chemical peels – doing 3 peels 2-3 weeks apart can unclog pores, reduce the appearance of redness / pigmentation and reduce breakouts
  • Dermal infusion – dermabrasion unclogs pores and provides exfoliation thereby reducing outbreaks; salicylic acid cleansing/infusion adds a mini-chemical peel to the treatment
  • Change up your skin care – switch to pharmaceutical grade; it has high levels of active ingredients and patented delivery systems increasing its effectiveness compared to over-the-counter products

When it comes to planning for your best possible self in our all-too short summer, the key is to plan ahead.

You’ll want to consult with a comprehensive medical aesthetics clinic - learn more about ArtMed online here. If unsure where to go, read reviews, talk to friends.

Be sure your clinic has excellent medical oversight and offers a wide range of treatment options.

And then book it – summer is just around the corner!