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Save the date: Birdies for Kenzie Bird Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 28th

Enjoy a fun, community-filled day while helping families navigate the challenges of pediatric oncology

LeRhonda Vezeau and Devan Jobb are the proud parents of three remarkable little ones. Their loving and close-knit young family includes Madeleine, Rory, and Mackenzie. 

“We cherish the time we spend together, whether it’s enjoying a quiet evening at home, sharing stories, or embarking on new adventures,” says LeRhonda. “Each member brings their unique personality and strengths, making our family dynamic and resilient.”

Their home is filled with laughter, love and a sense of togetherness that helps them navigate life’s challenges. “We believe in the power of kindness and compassion, and these values are at the heart of everything we do,” she says.

Just over two years ago, the family experienced a devastating loss. Their beautiful daughter Mackenzie—“a radiant light in our lives, a beacon of joy and inspiration”—passed away from cancer, just three weeks shy of her third birthday.


“Her journey was marked by incredible courage, resilience and an unwavering spirit,” says LeRhonda. “Despite the challenges she faced, Mackenzie always found a way to bring joy and laughter to those around her. Her kindness and compassion were truly remarkable, touching the hearts of everyone she met.”

Little Mackenzie taught her parents some very important lessons in her short life. “She taught us the importance of cherishing every moment and living life to the fullest. Her legacy continues to inspire us to be better, to love more deeply and to find strength in the face of adversity. She remains a guiding star in our lives, reminding us of the beauty and strength that can be found in even the most difficult times.”

Mackenzie is still very much a part of the family’s lives, just in different ways. “Her presence has allowed us to grow spiritually, and we continue to talk to her all the time,” says LeRhonda. “We share stories at night about the heroic journey she is on now, and Madeleine often talks about her sister with love and admiration.” 

The family has been blessed with another child, Rory, who Madeleine adores. They believe Mackenzie watches over him. “Every night, we make a point to say goodnight and ‘I love you’ to Mackenzie, keeping her memory alive and close to our hearts. This practice has brought us comfort and a sense of connection, reminding us that she is always with us in spirit.”

It is their hope that more families will receive the help they need. The parents consider themselves fortunate to have had the Guelph Wish Fund for Children on their side. “We have been able to refer a few families to them, helping to create ease in different ways,” says LeRhonda. “Through this, we have built beautiful relationships with some of their members. Jennifer, Jessica, and Helen have all been crucial in our healing and moving forward.” They also utilized the Wellington Hospice, whose programs and services were a tremendous support. 


McMaster Children’s Hospital

LeRhonda and Devan have not forgotten the kindness of the staff, physicians and other families at McMaster Children’s Hospital (MCH). 

To honour their strong, compassionate daughter, and all of the wonderful people they still feel such a deep connection to, the couple decided to give back on a grand scale. September also happens to be Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Next month will mark the first-ever Birdies for Kenzie Bird Charity Golf Tournament.

“McMaster Children’s Hospital played a crucial role in Mackenzie’s care, and we are forever grateful for their support and dedication. We received immense support from our family and friends, and also found solace in connecting with other families facing similar challenges. This network of compassion and kindness created a deep, meaningful sense of community,” says LeRhonda. 

“The annual golf tournament is our way of giving back and ensuring that other families receive the same level of care and compassion. It’s a tribute to Mackenzie’s legacy and a celebration of the community that supported us.”


Meeting other families in similar situations was both heart-wrenching and comforting, she says. It created a sense of solidarity and understanding that the family was not alone in their struggles. 

“It was common for families for buy each other gifts or offer home-cooked meals, creating a nurturing environment. We became sounding boards for one another, providing safe spaces to share our feelings and experiences,” she says. “Their strength and resilience have been a source of inspiration for us. Many of these families have become lifelong friends, and we continue to support each other through the ups and downs.”

Their hope for the first annual tournament is to bring the community together in a spirit of camaraderie and support. Says LeRhonda, “We aim to raise significant funds for McMaster Children’s Hospital and create a lasting impact. We also hope to honour Mackenzie’s memory by celebrating her life and the joy she brought to everyone she met. Seeing the community come together for this cause would be incredibly heartwarming.”


Already, the pair are grateful for the support they have received from community sponsors, whose contributions have been instrumental in making the event a success. “We have been fortunate to receive a stupendous amount of support,” says LeRhonda.

“We encourage others to get involved in any way they can, whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word. Should anyone wish to make donations or be a part of the day, please email us at [email protected]. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and continue to honor Mackenzie’s legacy.”


The aim of the fundraiser is to support families who are navigating the challenges of pediatric oncology at McMaster Children’s Hospital. Money raised will directly assist in reducing families’ costs and providing much-needed relief during difficult times. Assistance in the form of gas cards, restaurant gift cards and other wellness items help support family members and offset just some of the many costs that are incurred. 

Save the date

Birdies for Kenzie Bird Charity Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 28th

Victoria Park Valley Golf Club
7660 Maltby Rd E
Puslinch, ON
N0B 2J0

Time: 1:00 pm (shotgun start)
Check-in: Please arrive between 12:15 pm and 12:30 pm for sign-in

Cost: $130 per player
Fees due: August 28th 

Format: 18 holes, scramble

About the golf course: 
Victoria Park Valley Golf Club is a 27-hole, executive-length golf course that offers a unique and enjoyable experience for golfers of all ages and skill levels. For this tournament, golfers will be playing the “Pines and Valleys” courses.

At the event, you can also buy 50/50 tickets, raffle tickets and participate in a silent auction. 

Says LeRhonda, “As we come together for this wonderful cause, let’s also focus on having a great time and spreading joy. We envision a day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and positive energy. Together, we can create unforgettable memories and make a significant impact. We look forward to seeing you on the course and making a difference together!”

Local Guelph REALTOR® Nick FitzGibbon is sponsoring the meals for all 120 of the day’s golfers.